Last night, all was well in the Stein house (other then the nasty gas seeping from my bodacious booty). I got up this morning, worked on my village newsltter.....uhm yah, that's about it. Clint got home at lunch and I decided to clean the babies cage. Imagine my shock when Quincy is laying at the bottom of the cage dead. HOLY APE FUCKING SHIT BATMAN!!!! The kids were shocked. Steven (being the sensitive one) alreday seemed to grasp the concept after a quick explanation. He said he was very sad that Quincy was dead and would miss him. Emily on the other hand needed a bit more. This is what she got: Columbia University Press Defines Death as: death, cessation of all life (metabolic) processes. Death may involve the organism as a whole (somatic death) or may be confined to cells and tissues within the organism. Causes of death in human beings include injury, acute or chronic disease, and neoplasia (cancer). The physiological death of cells that are normally replaced throughout life is...
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