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Going to Iraq

I just finished reading my brothers blog and he has a lot posted about the war, recruiting, and et al. I wanted to add a bit of a face to what he has been saying. My husband and I are stationed at Ft. Carson,CO. The 3rd ACR (a hell of a lot of guys) just left for Iraq. Some were our neighbors and friends. They all were apprehensive to leave their families and of course afraid of losing life or limb, but all were ready to serve their country and spread freedom throughout the world. I would not say my husband and I are necessarily pro-military (even being active duty), but we are pro freedom. All these opponents to the war, I pose this question... How long do you suppose we should have let Saddam systematically murder thousands of Iraqis and Kurds? I believe it is the job of the mighty to protect the weak. I do not like war or death, but I know that as such a great nation it is our responsibility to defend those who cannot defend themselves. People see these insurgents killing our soldiers as well as Iraqi security and civilians. These insurgents are the minority. The soldiers I have spoken with (who have a first hand account, so I tend to believe them) say the Iraqi people are glad to be rid of Saddam and are grateful to have been liberated. They want their country safe and then they want us to leave. I know I am probably over simplifying, but in my eyes it is simple. We as Americans should appreciate all people and their cultures and should do our best to help anyone who needs our help. The cost of freedom is high and I am so grateful to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifices to maintain freedom. Thank you to those who even when afraid are brave!!!!!! "The liberty of others extends mine to infinity."FRANCE GRAFFITO 1968


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