Okay children. Let' s all sit down and Miss Katy will tell you a tale of a dumbass princess who has absolutely no sense. One day, our princess and her dear prince husband had a great idea. They decided to bungee their back door open so the little prince junior could not close it and lock them or the other children out of the house. Now, when they close the back door, they usually take the bungee cord off the door, but leave it hanging from the screw that holds the other end into the wall. Princess Dumbass realized the small children might pull it and hurt themselves and fastened it to the laundry basket on top of the dryer. Get closer kids, here is where the story gets good. Princess Dumbass went into the laundry room to retrieve the laundry basket that was now full of clothes. For some reason the basket wouldn't budge. She pulled and pulled until it finally gave. Of course Princess Dumbass had forgotten the bungee cord was attached to the laundry basket. After several hard pulls, the bungee came off the screw holding it into the wall and snapped Princess Dumbass right across the face. The metal hook hitting her right on the eye. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As it turns out, she did both. This children is why you should not ever do laundry. It is very dangerous. You could lose an eye.
As it turns out, she did both. This children is why you should not ever do laundry. It is very dangerous. You could lose an eye.