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We have less then a week until the elections. Jennifer and I are canvasing the neighborhood this weekend with flyers and we are having a sign making party tonight. We are going to kick some ass.

Now for the important stuff.....
Way back Wednesday. I have missed the last two. I missed vacations and birtdays. Sorry MamaDuck. I am catching up now, so please forgive me.
This was when I was in the 3rd grade. We were living in Twenty Nine Palms, CA and had gone to visit my Grandparents in San Antonio, TX. I know you lvoe the mullet. Oh, not to mention the ruffled shirt with a high ass collar. Lastly, there are those huge ass buck teeth.

This is while I was in my early twenties. I lived in the same town as Sea World, so not really a vacation. It does cost an arm and a leg, so I figured it should count.

Next is the famous birthday picture. I think I was turning five. I loved that cake so much. I plan on doing one like that for little miss Emily.

Now to catch up on Half Naked Thursdays. The themes I missed were feet and ears.
My feet are in desperate need of a pedicure..

And my ears....well they are pretty boring. If you look close you can see my favorite earrings. I never take them out. My mom gave them to me.

Okay, now for the really good stuff. The things that stress me out.
I'll give you the shallow stuff first. I hate the fact that stomachs get all wrinkly and stretched after kids. When I bend over (there is no way in hell I am confident enough to photograph that), my stomach looks like an 80 year old woman's neck.

Then there are my teeth. I am always worried about what coffee and smoking do to them (not enough to quit either one). And can you see that nasty ol' deviated septum? Gross.

Then of course, as my age continues to advance, I see more wrinkles and sun spots. My skin tone and texture is friggin' nasty as hell.

Then tehre are the main things that stress me out. My children. I constantly worry that they will not be smart enough or they will not think I did a good job. It is amazing how much you can love these evil little creatures.

What stresses my homies out? Go see.
April Shah
A Military Mom
Stacy Lee
Crazy Ride Lady
Some Soldier's Mom


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