Okay, so I was really not up on the history of why all this fighting is going on between Israel and Lebanon. I spent the morning reading up on how all this started. It is so heart breaking that so many people are suffering. I just want to scream. Embrace our differences. Live and let live. I am so afraid of what is happening to our world. I wonder if people who are not in any way affiliated with the military realize what is going on in our world. Do people care or are we so wrapped up in our everyday life that we are unaware of the turmoil. The civilians who are paying with their lives....it is so sad. What do we do? How do we as a people...not just as Americans, but as humans, how do we reconcile what is happening? How do we bring peace? When will enlightenment spread across the world? When will we all accept and embrace those who are different? We must ALL come to an understanding that no matter race, sex, religion......we are all human. We all love, we are all sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.
This will be my first blog. I am copying the big brother. Seems like I did that a lot growing up. A little background first. I am the only girl in a family of three kids. We are all grown with our own children and still (even being almost 31) that weirds me out. When did we become adults and what exactly does that mean. We still tease,poke, and prod each other. The funny thing? Now it feels like there is so much love behind it. It seems like we all except each other for our similarities and our differences. Maybe that is what makes us adults. Who knows .