My dearest four year old son was laying quietly watching TV and apparently handling his man parts. He suddenly spoke up in a not so manly voice (he is four you know), saying "My penis is broken". I looked over and the kid's boy part was ta full attention. I tried to explain, without peeing my pants from laughter, that it was normal and it would happen more. He told me he should probably see the doctor. I wonder if his concern is because little brother had to get his penis looked at? Does this mean he is going to be an exhibitionist or a hypochondriac. And I wonder why I am medicated.
This will be my first blog. I am copying the big brother. Seems like I did that a lot growing up. A little background first. I am the only girl in a family of three kids. We are all grown with our own children and still (even being almost 31) that weirds me out. When did we become adults and what exactly does that mean. We still tease,poke, and prod each other. The funny thing? Now it feels like there is so much love behind it. It seems like we all except each other for our similarities and our differences. Maybe that is what makes us adults. Who knows .