Man, I do not know what is wrong with me today but if it wasn't to late I would probably give my kids away. I know, I know, that sounds awful. I never have claimed to be perfect. I am in such a grumpy mood. Everything seems to be grating the one nerve I have left. My poor, poor husband. I am pretty sure it is the dreaded PMS. Yes, it really exists. Ever since the last baby, My PMS is out of this world. It seems like for about a week our house becomes both rollercoaster ride and UN-fun house. I have absolutely no control over the evil monster called irritability. Maybe a hefty dose of xanax would do me some good. I think I am way out of midol's (slight irritability) league. Some kind of mood altering drug would probably make everyone in the house much happier!!! Well I guess that is all the wonderful things I have to say for now...I must return to giving the evil eye to anyone who so much as tries to look my way.
This will be my first blog. I am copying the big brother. Seems like I did that a lot growing up. A little background first. I am the only girl in a family of three kids. We are all grown with our own children and still (even being almost 31) that weirds me out. When did we become adults and what exactly does that mean. We still tease,poke, and prod each other. The funny thing? Now it feels like there is so much love behind it. It seems like we all except each other for our similarities and our differences. Maybe that is what makes us adults. Who knows .