I am in shock. I guess I like to believe in the good in people, but boy have I been proven wrong. Last night, I went to write a check for the little girl next door's fundraiser. I realized the check numbers were off. (I only write checks for the commissary, car payment, and of course fundraisers) I thought the checks must have been misprinted, but when I looked at the binding, you could tell two checks and their carbons have been torn off. The only time my wallet was accessible was Friday night when we had company. I hate to think that someone who makes just as little as we do, has kids, and should know better would do such a horrible thing. I closed my account last night and had to open a new one. Can you believe I was able to do all that on the phone at 10:00 at night? What a great bank.
We have one more week of school here, yet my children have already disconnected the brain switch. I hate to tell them but we will home school throughout the summer. Luckily for them we can get our work done in less then two hours with only three kids and of course the fact that I sneak projects in throughout our everyday activities. Ethan decided he is exempt from the school dress ode because school is almost out and the daughter has jumped on that band wagon. I decided to let it slide. I figure a cute little t-shirt isn't going to ruin any one's grades, they were all turned in on the 24Th, so we will see if I get a call from the school. So today's little golden nugget of delight is brought to you by Ethan. Mom:Ethan, quit messing with your business. Go to your room if you want to do that. Ethan: I am not messing with it, it hurts. It feels like I am going to bleed when I pee. Mom: Oh honey, I am sorry but you will have to go to your Dad. He is in charge of penises. I handl...