Do not forget tomorrow is self portrait Friday. Tonight get a picture of yourself in your night time nite-nite routine. You know, brushing your teeth, wearing your face mask, taking a crap, or whatever floats your boat. Tomorrow is all about the bed time routine. Hey, I have seen you in the morning. What's the big deal? Do not forget to comment if you are going to play. If you don't have a picture that fits into the rules, you can play anyway. Just post a really, really embarassing photo. Then all will be forgiven.
This will be my first blog. I am copying the big brother. Seems like I did that a lot growing up. A little background first. I am the only girl in a family of three kids. We are all grown with our own children and still (even being almost 31) that weirds me out. When did we become adults and what exactly does that mean. We still tease,poke, and prod each other. The funny thing? Now it feels like there is so much love behind it. It seems like we all except each other for our similarities and our differences. Maybe that is what makes us adults. Who knows .